
  • The options module provides the globalOptions object which serves as the template for all Tip object options. The globalOptions object may be directly changed so as to become the new defaults for all subsequently created tooltips through the globalOptions object which is exposed by the default object, which is exported in index.js. It also provided the applyOptions function which sets the fxTooltip div's styles.


The options module provides the globalOptions object which serves as the template for all Tip object options. The globalOptions object may be directly changed so as to become the new defaults for all subsequently created tooltips through the globalOptions object which is exposed by the default object, which is exported in index.js. It also provided the applyOptions function which sets the fxTooltip div's styles.


(inner) applyOptions(target)

  • This function is called when a DOM HTML element is hovered over, but before the tooltip becomes visible. It sets the CSS styles of the fxTooltip div element in accordance with the options setting stored in its Tip class object.

Name Type Description
target Tip

The Tip class object being visualized.

(inner) resetOptions(target)

  • Resets the fxTooTip styles to their initial state. Called on mouseout.

  • v2.2.0
Name Type Description
target Tip

The Tip class object being visualized.

Type Definitions


  • The globalOptions object contains all of the option settings for each tooltip. A globalOptions object is stored within each Tip object and its members may be modified by methods exposed by the Tip object.

Name Type Description
content string

Contains the HTML text to be displayed when the tooltip is shown. Default - ''.

orientation string

The side of the target HTML element where the tooltip is positioned. Default: 'right'.

preferredOrientation string

The preferred side of the target HTML element where the tooltip is positioned. Default: 'right'.

autoPosition boolean

Whether or not the tooltip should be optimally positioned relative to its owning HTML element. Default: true.

autoSize boolean

Whether or not the tooltip should be optimally sized relative to its content. Default: true.

mousePoint boolean

Whether the tooltip arrow should track relative to the mouse cursor. Default: false.

trackMouse boolean

Whether the tooltip should track relative to the muse cursor. Default: false.

cursor string

Which CSS cursor should be displayed when the mouse is over a tooltip's owing HTML element. Default: help'.

fontFamily string

The font family for text inside the tooltip. Default: 'verdana, sans-serif'.

fontSize string

The font size for text inside the tooltip. Default: '16px'.

foregroundColor string

The color for foreground elements (e.g., text) inside the tooltip. Default: 'white'.

backgroundColor string

The background color of the tooltip. Default: '#333333'.

backgroundOpacity number

The opacity of the tooltip. Default: 1.

padding string

The tooltip padding around its content. Default: '5px 10px'.

borderRadius string

The rounding of the tooltip's corners. Default: '12px'.

boxShadow string

The box shadow to the lower left of the tooltip. Default: '8px 8px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0, 0.5)'.

transitionVisible string

The delay and duration of the tooltip becoming visible when the mouse hovers over its owing HTML element. Default: 'opacity 0.4s ease-in 0s'.

transitionHidden string

The delay and duration of the tooltip becoming invisible when the mouse hovers over its owing HTML element. Default: 'opacity 0.4s ease-out 0s'.

arrowSize string

The size of the tooltip's arrow. Default: '12px'.

width string

The width of the tooltip. Default: 'auto'.

maxWidth string

The maximum width of the tooltip. Default: 'none'.

minWidth string

The minimum width of the tooltip. Default: 'auto'.

height string

The height of the tooltip. Default: 'auto'.

maxHeight string

The maximum height of the tooltip. Default: 'none'.

minHeight string

The minimum height of the tooltip. Default: 'auto'.

The globalOptions object contains all of the option settings for each tooltip. A globalOptions object is stored within each Tip object and its members may be modified by methods exposed by the Tip object.

  • Object