

the Tip class


new Tip(elementId, content, global) → {Tip}

  • Instantiates a new tooltip with all of the default options, and provides methods to customize each option.

Name Type Description
elementId string

The unique id of the DOM element that will be associated with the tooltip. If there is no element in the DOM with this id, throws and error.

content string

Any valid HTML which will be displayed in the tooltip.

global boolean

If this is set to true, the changes to the returned tooltip will affect all subsequently instantiated tooltips. This parameter is only used internally when the globalOptions object is created.


A Tip class object which contains a private globalOptions object and exposes several methods to customize those options.





content(content) → {Tip|string}

  • Although the content of the tooltip is set with the create method, you may use the content method on an Tip object to dynamically alter the content of the tooltip at runtime. The content argument can be any valid HTML (text, tables, images, svg, etc.).


fxTootip.content() method

let myTooltip = fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum');
myTooltip.content('Ut enim ad minim veniam');
Name Type Description
content string

Any valid HTML to displayed when the tooltip is visible. Default: ''.


If the content argument is passed, the content method returns the Tip object.
If the content method is called with no arguments, the content method returns the current content string.

Tip | string

orientation(orientation) → {Tip|string}

  • You may set the location of the tooltip relative to the target element (or cursor if the mousePoint method is called with true as the argument). If the orientation is set, auto-positioning is disabled (see the autoPosition method).


Tip.orientation() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
orientation string

One of ['right' | 'left' | 'top' | 'bottom']. Default: 'right'.


If the orientation argument is passed, the orientation method returns the Tip object. If the orientation method is called with no arguments, the orientation method returns the current orientation setting.

Tip | string

preferredOrientation(preferredOrientation) → {Tip|boolean}

  • The preferredOrientation method is designed to work with auto-positioning. If there is sufficient space to display the tooltip at the preferred orientation, then regardless of which position is optimum, the tooltip will be displayed at the preferred orientation. If there is insufficient room to display the tooltip at the preferred orientation, then auto-positioning takes over and displays the tooltip at the optimum position.


Tip.preferredOrientation() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
preferredOrientation string

One of ['right' | 'left' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'none']. Default: 'right'.


If the orientation argument is passed, the preferredOrientation method returns the Tip object. If the preferredOrientation method is called with no arguments, the preferredOrientation method returns the current preferredOrientation setting.

Tip | boolean

autoPosition(autoPosition) → {Tip|boolean}

  • If set to true, the autoPosition method enables auto-positioning of the tooltip.
    Auto-positioning evaluates the available screen space on all four sides of the target element (or cursor if the mousePoint method is called with true as the argument) and the height and width of the tooltip and positions the tooltip at the orientation with the most room. If the preferred orientation is not set to 'none', and that location has sufficient room to display the tooltip, then the preferred location is used.


Tip.autoPosition() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
autoPosition boolean

One of [true | false], Default: true.


if the autoPosition argument is passed, the autoPosition method returns the Tip object. If the autoPosition method is called with no arguments, the autoPosition method returns the current autoPosition setting.

Tip | boolean

autoSize(autoSize) → {Tip|boolean}

  • If set to true, the autoSize method enables auto-sizing of the tooltip. Auto-sizing evaluates the content of the tooltip and attempts to scale the width and height of the tooltip to conform to the aspect ratio of the document viewport. Auto-sizing to the document viewport aspect ratio is intended to present an appealing appearance and maximize the probability that the tooltip will be displayable on the screen. If the content includes non-text elements like tables or images, it may be necessary to set the minimum width of the tooltip using the minWidth method or the minimum height using the minHeight method. Note: auto-sizing does not actually set the tooltip height. It sets the width, so that when the tooltip div element auto-scales the height for overflow, the desired aspect ratio is achieved. If autoSize is set to true, both the width and height options are set to 'auto'.


Tip.autoSize() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
autoSize boolean

One of [true | false]. Default: true.


If the autoSize argument is passed, the autoSize method returns the Tip object. If the autoSize method is called with no arguments, the autoSize method returns the current autoSize setting.

Tip | boolean

mousePoint(mousePoint) → {Tip|boolean}

  • If set to true, the mousePoint method causes the tooltip to be displayed relative to the cursor position instead of the target element. If set to false the tooltip will be displayed relative to the target element. In this case, the tooltip will attempt to center relative to one of the four sides of the target element (depending on the auto-position setting). If, due to document viewport limitations, the tooltip can't center itself, it will adjust the tooltip left, right, up, or down as appropriate, but offset the tooltip pointer to keep it centered on the element.


Tip.mousePoint() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
mousePoint boolean

One of [true | false]. Default: false.


If the mousePoint argument is passed, the mousePoint method returns the Tip object. If the mousePoint method is called with no arguments, the mousePoint method returns the current mousePoint setting.

Tip | boolean

trackMouse(mousePoint) → {Tip|boolean}

  • If set to true, the trackMouse method causes the tooltip to follow the cursor as it moves over the target element. If auto-positioning is set to true, the tooltip will continue to adjust it orientation to ensure that it can be displayed within the document viewport. The tooltip will also continuously offset the tooltip pointer, as required, to keep it centered relative to the cursor. When true is passed to the trackMouse method, the mousePoint option to will automatically be set to true as well.


Tip.trackMouse() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
mousePoint boolean

One of [true | false]. Default: false.


If the trackMouse argument is passed, the trackMouse method returns the Tip object. If the trackMouse method is called with no arguments, the trackMouse method returns the current trackMouse setting.

Tip | boolean

cursor(cursor) → {Tip|string}

  • The cursor method allows programmatic control of the cursor appearance as the mouse hovers over the target element. Note that not all defined cursor types are available in all browsers.


Tip.cursor() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
cursor string

One of ['auto' | 'default' | 'none' | 'context-menu' | 'help' | 'pointer' | 'progress' | 'wait' | 'cell' | 'crosshair' | 'text' | 'vertical-text' | 'alias' | 'copy' | 'move' | 'no-drop' | 'not-allowed' | 'e-resize' | 'n-resize' | 'ne-resize' | 'nw-resize' | 's-resize' | 'se-resize' | 'sw-resize' | 'w-resize' | 'ew-resize' | 'ns-resize' | 'nesw-resize' | 'nwse-resize' | 'col-resize' | 'row-resize' | 'all-scroll' | 'zoom-in' | 'zoom-out' | 'grab' | 'grabbing']. Default: 'help'.


If the cursor argument is passed, the cursor method returns the Tip object. If the cursor method is called with no arguments, the cursor method returns the current cursor setting.

Tip | string

font(family, size) → {Tip|Object}

  • Setting the font family and size via the font method, sets the font-family and font-size options contained within the which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. These options set defaults for text within the tooltip, but can be customized through inline or css selector styles, contained in the content that is passed to the create method.


Tip.font() method

     H1 {
         .font-size: 1.25em;
         .font-weight: bold;
     .myClass {
         .font-style: italic;
     <script type = 'text/javascript' src='fxToolTip.js'></script>
     <p id='myElement'>This is the target element</p>
         let content = '<H1>Lorem ipsum</H1><p>Ut enim ad minim veniam, <span class='myClass'>quis nostrud</span> exercitation</p>';
         let myTooltip = fxToolTip.create('myElement', content)
             .font('verdana, sans-serf', '12px')
Name Type Description
family string

Any valid CSS font-family (e.g., 'tahoma, sans-serif'). Default: 'verdana, sans-serif'.

size number | string

Any valid CSS font-size (e.g., '1em' | '16px'). If a number is passed, it is assumed to be in pixels. Default: 16.


If the family and size arguments are passed, the font method returns the Tip object}. If the font method is called with no arguments, the font method returns the current font setting as an object (e.g., {family:'tahoma, sans-serf', size:16}).

Tip | Object

foregroundColor(foregroundColor) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the tooltip foregroundColor via the foregroundColor method, sets the foregroundColor option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The forgroundColor option sets defaults for text color within the tooltip, but can be customized through inline or CSS selector styles.


Tip.foregroundColor() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
     .foregroundColor('rgb(20, 40, 128)');
Name Type Description
foregroundColor string

Any valid CSS color such as hex, rgb, or a named CSS color. Default: 'white'.


if the color argument is passed, the foregroundColor method returns the Tip object. If the foregroundColor method is called with no arguments, the foregroundColor method returns the current foregroundColor setting.

Tip | string

backgroundColor(backgroundColor) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the tooltip backgroundColor via the backgroundColor method, sets the backgroundColor option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The backgroundColor option sets the background color of the tooltip.


Tip.backgroundColor() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
     backgroundColor('rgb(20, 40, 128)');
Name Type Description
backgroundColor string

Any valid CSS color such as hex, rgb, or a named CSS color. Default: '#333333'.


If the backgroundColor argument is passed, the backgroundColor method returns the Tip object. If the backgroundColor method is called with no arguments, the backgroundColor method returns the current backgroundColor setting.

Tip | string

backgroundOpacity(backgroundOpacity) → {Tip|number}

  • Setting the tooltip backgroundOpacity via the backgroundOpacity method, sets the backgroundOpacity option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The backgroundOpacity option sets the background opacity of the tooltip.


Tip.backgroundOpacity() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
backgroundOpacity number

A value [0...1]. Default: 1.


If the backgroundOpacity argument is passed, the backgroundOpacity method returns the Tip object. If the backgroundOpacity method is called with no arguments, the backgroundOpacity method returns the current backgroundOpacity setting.

Tip | number

padding(padding) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the tooltip padding via the padding method, sets the padding option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The padding option establishes the padding for the tooltip. If the padding argument contains only one measurement, uniform padding is applied to all sides of the tooltip. If the padding argument contains two measurements, the first measure is applied to the top and bottom, and the second to the left and right. If the padding argument contains three measurements, the first is applied to the top, the second to the left and right, and the third to the bottom. If the padding argument contains four measurements, they are applied to the top, left, bottom, right respectively.


Tip.padding() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
     .padding('2em 5px 1em 5px');
Name Type Description
padding string

A string representing 1 to 4 valid CSS sizes (e.g., '1em' | '16px') except for percentage. If no unit of measurement is given it is assumed to be in pixels. Default: '5px 10px'.


If the padding argument is passed, the padding method returns the Tip object. If the padding method is called with no arguments, the padding method returns the current padding setting formatted as a single CSS shorthand string (e.g. '5px 10px').

Tip | string

borderRadius(borderRadius) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the borderRadius via the borderRadius method, sets the borderRadius option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The borderRadius option sets a uniform borderRadius for the tooltip corners.


Tip.borderRadius() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
borderRadius number | string

Any valid CSS size (e.g., '1em' | '16px'). If a number is passed, it is assumed to be in pixels. Default: 12.


If the borderRadius argument is passed, the borderRadius method returns the Tip object. If the borderRadius method is called with no arguments, the borderRadius method returns the current borderRadius setting.

Tip | string

boxShadow(size, color, opacity) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the boxShadow size, color, and opacity via the boxShadow method, sets the boxShadow option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The boxShadow option sets a box shadow offsets to the lower right of the tooltip.

To Do:
  • check input parameters

Tip.boxShadow() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
     .boxShadow('1em', '#0000FF', 0.5); 
Name Type Description
size number | string

Any valid CSS size (e.g., '1em' | '16px') except percentage, or 'none'. If a number is passed, it is assumed to be in pixels. If 'none' is passed as a single argument, no boxShadow is shown. Default: 8px'.

color string

Any valid CSS color such as hex, rgb, or a named CSS color. Default: 'rgb(0,0,0)'.

opacity number

A number [0...1]. Default: 0.5.


If arguments are passed, the boxShadow method returns the Tip object. If the boxShadow method is called with no arguments, the boxShadow method returns the current boxShadow setting as a CSS box-shadow shorthand string (e.g. '8px 8px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5)').

Tip | string

transitionVisible(delay, duration) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the transitionVisible delay and duration via the transitionVisible method, sets the transitionVisible option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The transitionVisible option sets the transition effect upon hover over the target element.


Tip.transitionVisible() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
     .transitionVisible(0, 0.6);
Name Type Description
delay number

Any valid number in seconds. Default: 0.4.

duration number

Any valid number in seconds. Default: 0.


If arguments are passed, the transitionVisible method returns the Tip object). If the transitionVisible method is called with no arguments, the transitionVisible method returns the current transitionVisible setting as a CSS transition shorthand string (e.g. 'opacity 0.4s 0s').

Tip | string

transitionHidden(delay, duration) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the transitionHidden delay and duration via the transitionHidden method, sets the transitionHidden option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon target element mouseout. The transitionHidden option sets the transition effect upon target element mouseout.


Tip.transitionHidden() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum';
     .transitionHidden(0, 0.2);
Name Type Description
delay number

Any valid number in seconds. Default: 0.4.

duration number

Any valid number in seconds. Default: 0.


If arguments are passed, the transitionHidden method returns the Tip object. If the transitionHidden method is called with no arguments, the transitionHidden method returns the current transitionHidden setting as a CSS transition shorthand string (e.g. 'opacity 0.4s 0s').

Tip | string

arrowSize(arrowSize) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the arrowSize via the arrowSize method, sets the arrowSize option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The arrowSize option sets the size of the tooltip's arrow.


Tip.arrowSize() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
arrowSize number | string

Any valid CSS size (e.g., '1em' | '16px'). If a number is passed, it is assumed to be in pixels. Default: 12.


If the arrowSize argument is passed, the arrowSize method returns the Tip object). If the arrowSize method is called with no arguments, the arrowSize method returns the current arrowSize setting.

Tip | string

width(width) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the width via the width method, sets the width option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. When the width option is set to any value other than auto, auto-sizing is disabled. However, if the autoSize method is subsequently set to true, the width setting will be ignored. If the width is an absolute value (e.g., '200px' | '30em'), it will remain constant if the screen size changes. In this case, it may be more appropriate to use a realtive measure such as percentage


Tip.width() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
width number | string

Any valid CSS size (e.g., '1em' | '16px'). If a number is passed, it is assumed to be in pixels. Default: 'auto'.


If the width argument is passed, the width method returns the Tip object. If the width method is called with no arguments, the width method returns the current width setting.

Tip | string

maxWidth(maxWidth) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the maximum width via the maxWidth method, sets the maxWidth option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The maxWidth option sets the maximum width of the tooltip upon hover over the target element. The maxWidth method is useful to ensure that tooltips don't grow too large when using auto-sizing or when their content is very large and may overflow smaller screens.


Tip.maxWidth() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
maxWidth number | string

Any valid CSS size (e.g., '1em' | '16px'). If a number is passed, it is assumed to be in pixels. default: 'none'.


If the maxWidth argument is passed, the maxWidth method returns the Tip object. If the maxWidth method is called with no arguments, the maxWidth method returns the current maxWidth setting.

Tip | string

minWidth(minWidth) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the minimum width via the minWidth method, sets the minWidth option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The minWidth option sets the minimum width of the tooltip upon hover over the target element. The minWidth method is useful to ensure that non-text content elements such as tables are correctly displayed in the tooltip when using auto-sizing.


Tip.minWidth() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
minWidth number | string

Any valid CSS size (e.g., '1em' | '16px'). If a number is passed, it is assumed to be in pixels. Default: 0.


if the minWidth argument is passed, the minWidth method returns the Tip object. If the minWidth method is called with no arguments, the minWidth method returns the current minWidth setting.

Tip | string

height(height) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the height via the height method, sets the height option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. When the height option is set to any value other than auto, auto-sizing is disabled. However, if the autoSize method is subsequently set to true, the height setting will be ignored.


Tip.height() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
height number | string

Any valid CSS size (e.g., '1em' | '16px'). If a number is passed, it is assumed to be in pixels. Default: 'auto'.


if the height argument is passed, the height method returns the Tip object. If the height method is called with no arguments, the height method returns the current height setting.

Tip | string

maxHeight(maxHeight) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the maximum height via the maxHeight method, sets the maxHeight option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The maxHeight method is useful to ensure that tooltips don't grow too large when using auto-sizing or when their content is very large and may overflow smaller screens.


Tip.maxHeight() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
maxHeight number | string

Any valid CSS size (e.g., '1em' | '16px'). If a number is passed, it is assumed to be in pixels. Default: 'none'.


if the maxHeight argument is passed, the maxHeight method returns the Tip object. If the maxHeight method is called with no arguments, the maxHeight method returns the current maxHeight setting.

Tip | string

minHeight(minHeight) → {Tip|string}

  • Setting the minimum height via the minHeight method, sets the minHeight option contained within the Tip object which is injected into the .fxToolTip style's ruleset upon hover over the target element. The minHeight method is useful to ensure that non-text content elements such as tables are correctly displayed in the tooltip when using auto-sizing.


Tip.minHeight() method

fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum')
Name Type Description
minHeight number | string

Any valid CSS size (e.g., '1em' | '16px'). If a number is passed, it is assumed to be in pixels. Default: 0.


If the minHeight argument is passed, the minHeight method returns the Tip object. If the minHeight method is called with no arguments, the minHeight method returns the current minHeight setting.

Tip | string


  • Similar to the global remove method, the remove method of a Tip object removes all of the event listeners and the associated Tip object object from the stack. If this is the only Tip object on the stack, the remove method will remove all of the .fxTooltip CSS rules from the stylesheet and set the library back to its un-instantiated state. Generally, this method is not required, since fxToolTip automatically detects the removal of target elements, and performs corresponding tooltip removal automatically.


Tip.remove() method

let myToolTip = fxToolTip.create('myElement', 'Loreiem Ipsum');