fxbipartite 2.0.0


  • Michael.R.Fox, Ph.D. <fox.michael.r@gmail.com>
  • MIT Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub-license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.

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CSS Styling



fxBiPartite is a library designed to create an interactive bipartite graph in the browser. It should work on any modern browser (i.e., not Internet Explorer 8.0 and earlier).

fxBipartite is a significantly revamped clone of a library which I believe was once part of the vizjs library, but seems no longer to be part of it.


npm install fxbipartite --save


npm install -g fxbipartite  //install globally



fxBipartite uses d3.js for selections and transitions and d3-interpolate-path to animate the initial display of the graph edges. It also uses fxSimplex to perform constrained optimization to compute graph size and position parameters.

GitHub package.json dependency version (prod)

GitHub package.json dependency version (prod)

GitHub package.json dependency version (prod)

GitHub package.json dependency version (prod)

GitHub package.json dependency version (prod)


Include fxBiPartite in your project in one of two ways:

You can include a reference to the built version of the library

              <script type = 'text/javascript' src = 'fxBiPartite.min.js'></script>
              <!--   or   -->
              <script type = 'text/javascript' src = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/fxBiPartie@latest/dist/fxBiPartitie.js'></script>

Or you can include it in your JavaScript build

import {default as biPartite} from './node_modules/fxbipartite';

if you use this option note that the source files are in ES6 (unlike the distribution files which have been transpiled). In this case, if you need to support older browsers you may want to edit your .babelrc.json file to specifically transpile fxBiPartite:

     "exclude": "/node_modules\/(?!fxbipartite)/"

fxBipartite exports a single class object named biPartite. The biPartite class object constructor takes two arguments: data (A two-dimensional array of source (string), target (string), and value (number) tuples) and container (an HTML div element that will contain the graph. The biPartite class object exposes several methods to alter the default behavior of the graph. It also supports method chaining as in the following example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
         <title>fxBiPartite example</title>
             .chart { <!-- class styles for the container must specify height and width -->
                 width: 90vw;
                 height: 90vh;
                 margin: 0 auto;
         <script type="text/javascript" src = 'fxBiPartite.js'></script> <!-- link to fxBiPartite -->
         <div id = 'chartDiv' class = 'chart'></div> <!-- this will be the graph container -->
         <script type = 'text/javascript'>
             data = [["Lite", "CA",  16], //data for the graph [source, target, value]
                     ["Small", "CA", 1278],
                     ["Medium", "CA", 27],
                     ["Plus", "CA", 58],
                     ["Grand", "CA", 1551],
                     ["Elite", "CA", 141],
                     ["Lite", "AZ", 5453],
                     ["Small", "AZ", 683],
                     ["Medium", "AZ", 862],
                     ["Grand", "AZ", 6228],
                     ["Lite", "AL", 15001]];

             new bBiPartite(data, document.getElementById('chartDiv'))
                 .sort('barycentric')    // method chaining to set options
                 .show();                // use the show method last to display the graph

See the biPartite class object documentation for additional details on using fxBiPartite options.

CSS Styling

fxBipartite uses several CSS styles which you may customize either in-line in an HTML file or in a separate CSS style sheet.

  • .biPartite: styles the svg g element which contains the bipartite graph. There is probably no need to style this element.

  • .biPartitle-mainBar: styles the container for all nodes. The svg rect elements generally don't need any styling.

  • .biPartite-subBar: styles the nodes. The fill color for these svg rect elements are controlled through the biPartite.fillColors() method.

  • .biPartite-edge: styles the edges. The fill color for these svg path elements are controlled through the biPartite.fillColors() method, and their edge opacity is controlled through the biPartite.edgeOpacity() method.

  • .biPartite-label: styles the text element for the node labels. One may wish to customize the label size, font, fill, etc., by using this CSS style.

  • .biPartite-percentage: styles the percentage labels for each node. Similar to the biPartite-label class, one may wish to customize the percentage size, font, fill, etc., by using this CSS style.

body {
     font-size: calc(6px + (16 - 6) * ((100vw - 600px) / (1920 - 400)));

.biPartite-mainBar:hover {
     cursor: pointer;

.biPartite-percentage, .biPartite-label {
     font-family: tahoma, sans;
.biPartite-percentage {
     font-size: 1em;
.biPartite-label {
     font-size: 1.5em;


fxBiPartite is designed to be responsive to changes in container size. However, fxBiPartite will only scale the size of the graph and not the label text. Since fxBiPartite sets margins and minimum sizes for the bars (node rectangles) based on font size, to be more responsive you may want to enable fluid typography in your CSS. In the above example the body font-size adjusts to the document viewport width and the font sizes for the biPartite-percentage and biPartite-label classes are expressed in em units, a relative unit.